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Digital Marketing 
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Marketing campaigns that run on more than one platform will always generate higher ROI results. So, the Hot Spotz Calendar works as a gateway product to connect media buyers to visitors online.  QR codes in the calendar are linked to an integrated digital marketing program that uses a mix of digital, mobile and voice activated media solutions to reach visitors and generate impressions. There are no additional costs for this service.

Products and Rates
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$200 Each
CMA Package $3,300

CMA Package:

The Calendar Month Advertisement Package includes photo(s), a feature story, a banner, 5 date blocks, a 1/8th page ad, and digital marketing services = $3,300


Advertising deadlines for art and payment: 

 1st Edition (Published in January)- November 15th

2nd Edition (Published in May)- March 1st     


3rd Edition (Published in September)- July 4th

Send ad copy, logos, and art to:

Remit Payments to: Hot Spotz Calendar, PO Box 23, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549


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